IKEA christmas feast. Eat as much as you can!
Gustav leaves the team
- Gustav Lundin
Today is Gustavs last day in the Sony Xperia Lounge team. So, what else but handing over the Medal of honor for his honorable serving during 2013. Good luck with the family and future assignments!
Kanban Task Board wall
- Kanban Task Board
- Kanban Task Board
Being an agile nerd, I really love our beautiful Kanban Task Board wall for the Sony Xperia Lounge project at our Jayway office in Malmö. The information radiates, and the different colors makes it easy to spot where attention is needed even from a distance.
Google Glass, Jayway Øredev
Had the pleasure today to try Google Glass at Jayway Øredev. Might not be the prettiest sight but. Haven’t found out to what purpose they would do best but as they’ll become more popular and common – and hopefully more stylish – I’m convinced there’ll be tons of useful scenarios. And of course apps.
Ok glass!
Professional Scrum Master, Agile
- The XP game
With Jonas, Jayway in Helsingborg at the Firebrand Camp to get a fresh certification as Professional Scrum Master. Playing the XP game, which is a truly great game playing an important part as eye-opener for change management.
- Pär Sikö challenging Steen Lehmann
Actually no use challenging a soccer pro like Steen Lehmann in a game of soccer at Jayways office in Copenhagen, but Pär Sikö really puts his mind into it.
Agile Project manager, Jayway
- Agile Project Manager, Jayway
Where else but Jayway – Sharing knowledge. Starting today as Agile Project Manager.
- Sundgymnasiet, Vellinge
- And the winner is…
Participating as Member of the Board in the yearly “Dragons Den” when Företagarna Vellinge is conducting the Young Entrepreneurs Day at Sundsgymnasiet in Vellinge. I’m quite impressed by the creativity, confidence and enthusiasm the students showed when presenting their ideas to the board. There is hope!
ULOCS The Next Generation Wearable Technology @ Teknopol Ideon, Lund
ULOCS The Next Generation Wearable Technology.
After some initial, obligatory meeting frenzy it was DEMO TIME. Showing how this little gadget can actually change people’s lives by collecting and sample data about how you actually move your body. 24 hours a day. Awesome IRL demonstration (with a potential sponsor) by Sudharshan, supported by Ants, André and Lars.
Communication Management at Rotary, Höllviken
At Rotary, Höllviken together with Pia, Jansäter Kommunikation talking about Communication Management and how to set up a long-term company strategy for Social Media. Followed by Crisis Management, and how to handle media when the shit hits the fan.