The Daily Post

Revived and republished, including all our posts since 2005.
So, if you got some time to kill ... happy browsing


Crisis Management, Web

Felix talking at todays seminar about Crisis Management, presenting our new crisis management web portal for AB Kristianstadbyggen.

Arabian nights, Dubai

In Dubai experiencing the Jesper Wirén hospitality together with Fredrik Ahquist, Securitas. Let’s just agree that the Arabian way is quite a different way of making business, compared to Scandinavia. My cudos to Jesper and his family.

Emils’ salary, InteraktionsBolaget

Yeeaaayy! Time for celebration. Emils’ first (and most likely not the last) salary is on its way. Being his truly awesome boss I expect a large beer down at the pub before EOB .. or is it maybe the other way around


Emil and Felix (and Ruby) team up for some pretty hard work at the Blodder office at Stortorget, Malmö.

Chinese delegacy at the office

Group photo! A chinese delegacy from a radio station in China visits the office to share and exchange some wisdom. They consider themselves being a very small and local station with just a few hundred involved, and just some million dedicated listeners daily. Well, we all have different ways of looking at things.

Web meeting, Blodder

The Blodder team gathering at our office in Malmö, with Tobias participating virtually linked from Thailand.

A blodder day in Bunkeflo

Great day for Blodder when gathering together at the office in Bunkeflo Strand, to get some work done, hug our servers and decide on architecture.


Martin explains the flow. While Emil and I drift away in thoughts about pizza .. beer .. no blodder without some serious calories

Red carpet, 10 year anniversary

Rolling out the red carpet towards Stortorget today as it’s my 10-year anniversary with James Palm Digital Media and Communication Agency. It turned out that Pia also celebrates 10 year anniversary this year with Jansäter Communication so why not do it all together!

Hoping for lots of people and real good fun tonight!